Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Stright Ahead Action

In this techinque of animation, the action is drawn by the artist frame by frame.

In this Flash animation, the square is moving in a awkward way. This kind of motion can only be achived through the stright ahead action method.

In the screen shot below, all the frames were keyframed. they are onionskinned here, showing in detail the square's motion in the video above.

As demostrated by the animation, stright ahead animation allows artistic creation on how a character or object moves, which can result in more natural and fluid-like motion. Its ideal for fast or wild actions scenes.

However, this techinque is very labour intensive and hard to keep the animated object or character in porotion in each sucessive frame drawn (which is evindant in the flipbook animations which were posted back in feburary). Its hard to stage and time, as you can't tell exactly how many frames an action takes to happen.

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